Monday, April 2, 2012

New Beginnings

Hello! I am very excited to start this blog to share fun gardening tips, landscaping ideas, homegrown veggie and herb recipes and maybe some building projects...if I ever get over my fear of power tools =) I am new to having my own garden and am not a gardening expert, but am very eager to learn and am definitely familiar with growing plants! My family owns and operates Woldhuis Farms Sunrise Greenhouse. It's a six-acre retail store with lots and lots of pretty flowers, and much more. And since I am now at stay-at-home-mom and working in the greenhouse with my adorable nine month old daughter is a bit tricky, I have decided to blog and share with you from home. I hope you enjoy my projects and endeavors!

Below is a video my Dad and brother made of day-to-day greenhouse operation...note the cute new puppy, his name is Samson and he is adorable!

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